Thursday, February 3, 2011

Why does she always have to be talking to me!!!!

"If our liberty in Christ is going to be a reality in life, we are going to have to learn to walk in the freedom of Christ, independent of everyone else we know."  Beth Moore - Breaking Free

I read for my lesson today some in Isaiah and Luke, but this quote from Beth jumped out at me probably because it is what I needed to hear and have been struggling with. (yes, I ended that sentence in  a preposition.  I know better - I'm just lazy.)

I have been feeling a little sorry for myself.  I admit it.  I have made choices over the past few years that weren't always popular.  I have lost friends.  I have lost aquaintances.  I have people who change aisles at the grocery store not to talk to me. I attended a church that "split" more than once.  Brian and I made decisions that we felt were honorable and "right". (hopefully not at the expense of someone else)  We tried to take the high road on each of these situations, but I'm sure we have failed. 

Although I don't regret the decisions that we made, I have been a little bit bitter about the lost relationships.  If we had just compromised our "convictions" we could still be part of the group.  Well we're not, and the kids aren't, and guess what - it's ok. 

I need to remember who my faith is following.  It's not a man, or a group of people.  It's my leader, Christ.  Follow Him.  Trust Him.  Put the blinders on and ignore the others.  Stand up for what you believe in, even if you are by yourself.  Make sure you are standing up for biblical principles and not just your sinful pride, but stand up.  It's important, it matters, and your children are watching!!!

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