Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Today's SOAP

S - James 2:10-14 For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.  For he who said, "Do not commit adulter, " also said, "Do not murder."  If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a lawbreaker.  Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, because judgement without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful.  Mercy triumphs over judgement.

O - We are all sinners because we are guilty.  Guilty of many, many, things.  Guilty of 1 thing or 100,000 things doesn't matter, we need his grace to cover us and save us.  We need to realize there is no hierarchy in faith - we are justified by him and all brought onto the same playing field.  You are no better than I am and vice versa.  I am a sinner...period.

A - These verses take me in two different directions - 1. Pride - (again with the pride? this is obviously a big issue for me...Lord)  Just because I have been a christian since I was 9 years old and in most people's eyes haven't done anything that bad, I AM A SINNER.  I am prideful, I am arrogant, I am lazy, I am deceptive, I gossip and that is generally before noon.  I am no more deserving of Christ's love than anyone.  Figure it out DeLynn!  You are no better than anyone else.

2. Grateful - It is his mercy that saves us.  I don't deserve it and neither do you.  We should show others the same mercy that he is showing us.  If we were all living our faith and showing that faith to others, people would truly be falling all over themselves to find our inner source of strength.  They aren't.  What are we not doing?  I'm not showing enough concern and mercy for others.  I am scoffing that they don't see the truth, when I am not even showing them a light.  I am not grateful enough for my faith to show it to others because I don't realize the depths it is saving me from.  I've mostly played in the shallow water of sin.  But I've played.

P - Lord, please help me to show your mercy to others daily.  Help me to be truly  merciful and loving to your flock - both current and future.  Allow me to be a light to others.  Forgive me for my pride and disdain.  Let your love flow through me so that I can truly reach out to those that are hurting.

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